onsdag 28. november 2012

2 julegave tags av restepapir!

Hei bloggverden!:)
Her kommer et par julegave tags til. Jeg er i siget, men det trengs jo endel til alle pakkene da:)
Første tag er laget av en kraft tag#10, med papirer fra Pion Design-6x6" Silent Night/Church , stor snøkrystall fra Marianne Dies, den lille er fra Martha Stewart og reinsdyret, som er stanset ut o kraft, mener jeg er fra Memory Box, det også.
Jeg har sydd runt kantene, og lagt en stykke osteklut under motivet, distresset kantene med Stickle glue-Tiara (om noen skulle være i tvil så ER det min favoritt;D).
Ellers har jeg malt over med Dabber her og der:)

Utroolig kjekke disse "sikkerhetsnålene", fra Hobby Hagen, til å henge charms og div. på!!..Love them♥

Baksiden er enkel, men plass til å skrive "til og fra" på. Her har jeg brukt arket 6x6 Snowflakes-som også har disse vakre små tagsene på♥!
Tag nr 2 har jeg også brukt Pion-Silent Night, og det i front er fra arket "Cut out", og har så mange flotte tags.
Resten er stort sett likt det forrige, det er lett for det når man lager flere på samme tid!;)

Sprayet over med "Heriloom Gold"

Baksiden med tekster fra NSS, og et av mine eldre Inkido stempel..men jeg liker det veldig godt!:)

Avslutter innlegget med denne skjønne krabaten, eet vakkert julevers fra Kort og Godt..
og ønsker dere en fortsatt flott uke♥!:)

Tagsene og andre bidrag her kan sees hos Hobbay Hagen's butikk♥
Håper dere finner noen inspirasjon i tillegg her!;)
Klem, Ellen

2 kommentarer:

Linda sa...

Nydelige tags med mange flotte detaljer. Klem Linda :)

chris sa...

Hello from France
I am very happy to welcome you!
Your blog has been accepted in EUROPE NORWAY a minute!
We ask you to follow the blog "Directory"
Following our blog will gives you twice as many possibilities of visits to your blog!
Thank you for your understanding.
On the right side, in the "green list", you will find all the countries and if you click them, you will find the names of blogs from that Country.
Invite your friends to join us in the "directory"!
The creation of this new blog "directory" allows a rapprochement between different countries, a knowledge of different cultures and a sharing of different traditions, passions, fashion, paintings, crafts, cooking,
photography and poetry. So you will be able to find in different countries other people with passions similar to your ones.
We are fortunate to be on the Blogspot platform that offers the opportunity to speak to the world.
The more people will join, the more opportunities everyone will have. And yes, I confess, I need people to know this blog!
You are in some way the Ambassador of this blog in your Country.
This is not a personal blog, I created it for all to enjoy.
SO, you also have to make it known to your contacts and friends in your blog domain: the success of this blog depends on all Participants.
So, during your next comments with your friends, ask them to come in the 'Directory' by writing in your comments:
*** I am in the directory come join me! ***
You want this directory to become more important? Help me to make it grow up!
Your blog is in the list EUROPE NORWAY and I hope this list will grow very quickly
We ask that you follow our blog and place a badge of your choice on your blog, in order to introduce the "directory" to your friends.

If you want me to know the blog of your friends, send me their urls which allows a special badge in the list of your country
I see that you know many people in your country, you can try to get them in the directory?
Please! Actively support the "Directory" by making known to your friends! Thank you! "Unity is strength"

Mine gratulasjoner! Jeg bladde bloggen din! du har god smak, en god sans for estetikk